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Career Planning

Career Planning

7 Best Careers After Having a Baby: Reinvent Yourself Today

Congratulations on your baby!  Motherhood is a life-changing experience. You’re now stronger, have developed immense patience, time management, and other skills, and your priorities have shifted tremendously.  Perhaps you feel it’s time to begin working towards a career or you want to seek a change in your current career path. Whatever your situation, you know …

MBAJune 27, 2022
MBA Mom Ultimate Guide – Practical Advice for Moms Pursuing MBA

More than half a century after women began pouring into the American workplace, only a handful have made it to the C-suite. In 2023 only 10% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The number translates to 53 women running Fortune 500 businesses.  Considering that 56.8% of the US workforce is female, the number of women …

The Future of Project Management and the 4 Skills You’ll Need

Management technology is massively disrupting project management. In fact, Jon Broome, Chair of APM (Association for Project Management), suggested that advancements in technology will automate most administrative functions of project management. For instance, schedules and risk registers will be generated by artificial intelligence using hard data. Meanwhile, Michael DePrisco, vice president of PMI (Project Management …

OUR FACULTYMay 16, 2022
Quantic Live: A Conversation with Director of Quantic & Valar Career Services, Lisa Thomson

Enjoy our conversation with Director of Career Services for Quantic and Valar Institute, Lisa Thomson, Ed.D.. Lisa discussed everything from Quantic’s career services resources, common misconceptions about networking, and how to enhance your presence on LinkedIn. Lisa is a career coach and connector, specializing in helping people discover and realize their potential, regardless of industry, life stage, …

CAREER PLANNINGJanuary 24, 2022
Disruptive Corporate Learning and Development Trends // 2022

Corporate training programs are no longer optional, and here’s why. By 2022, 54% of all workers will need re-skilling and up-skilling. This is according to the 2018 World Economic Forum report. Opportunity for personal development is now a major reason for accepting a job offer. This is due to technological advancements and the fear of …

CAREER PLANNINGJanuary 24, 2022
Rise of the Chief Learning Officer — The Future of Talent?

In 1989, Jack Welch, CEO at General Electric, endorsed Steve Kerr to the position of Chief Learning Officer. His job was to ensure employees were content, developed, engaged, and retained. Three decades later, businesses worldwide have faced unimagined learning disruption.  Many organizations have embraced “on the job” learning that uses instructor-led training technology to empower …

CAREER PLANNINGJanuary 24, 2022
How to Write a Training Request Letter [Samples Inside]

Hiring employees is one thing but getting them to yield desirable results is the sum of many factors, including training. Proper training and professional development are indispensable to forward-thinking firms but are often left to HR—who might be already overwhelmed. A company needs to understand that employees are an invaluable resource and invest in employee …

CAREER PLANNINGNovember 15, 2021
The Two Best UX Designer Career Paths | How To Advance

The business world has finally perceived design as a Unique Selling Point of change. According to research from Forrester,  every $1 spent on UX today brings in $100 more (9900% ROI). This tectonic shift has sparked Design Thinking, which takes the UX career beyond marketing, to the design methods that solve familiar business problems. These …

CAREER PLANNINGNovember 10, 2021
5 Lessons From Women in Tech Jobs

Say ‘tech,’ and the images that come to mind are of a bespectacled Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or even Mark Zuckerberg.  Despite the whole world screaming themselves hoarse about gender equality, tech continues to be a male-dominated field. Making it challenging for women to climb up the career ladder. During a study conducted by PwC …

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